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  • 01:39
Spain 2023
Selection : Country in Focus
Director: Álvaro Gago
Writer: Álvaro Gago
Cast: María Vázquez, Santi Prego, Tatán, Soraya Luaces, Susana Sampedro
Cinematography: Lucía C. Pan
Editing: Ricardo Saraiva
Costume designer: Uxía P. Vaello
Sound: Xavier Souto, Diego S. Staub
Production: Matriuska Producciones, Felicidad La Película, Avalon, Ringo Media
Producer: Daniel Froiz, María Zamora, Stefan Schmitz, Mireia Graell
Filmography: 2019 16. Децембар/ 16 de decembro (кратки филм/ short) (Clermont-Ferrand); 2017 Матриа/ Matria (кратки филм/ short) (Sundance – Grand Jury Prize, Indielisboa – Best fiction); 2015 Curricán (кратки филм/ short) (Малага/ Málaga)
Festivals: 2023Berlinale Panorama; 2023 Málaga best actress; 2023Seattle - Ibero-American Competition - Special Jury Prize
Ramona lives in a Galician village, dominated by tradition and devoted to work. Sacrificing everything to assure a better future for her daughter, she is impelled to look inside herself and to think that there may, after all, be something new to live for. Back to...

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