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The 31st European Film Festival Palić officially opened with the presentation of the Aleksandar Lifka Award to Anica Dobra, Phedon Papamichael and Ademir Kenović


The 31st European Film Festival Palić officially opened with the presentation of the Aleksandar Lifka Award to Anica Dobra, Phedon Papamichael and Ademir Kenović

The 31st European Film Festival Palić officially opened with the presentation of the Aleksandar Lifka Award to Anica Dobra, Phedon Papamichael and Ademir Kenović The 31st edition of the European Film Festival Palić was officially opened on the Summer Stage in Palić on Saturday, July 20. The audience was addressed by Milanka Kostić, member of the Subotica City Council for Education and Culture, Miomir Đorđević, State Secretary in the Ministry of Culture, and Maja Gojković, president of the Government of Vojvodina. Milanka Kostić, member of the Subotica City Council for Education and Culture, emhasized the following in her opening address: "From its inception until today, the Festival in Palić has gathered the most important representatives of Serbian and European cinema. What is even more important is that a significant place is dedicated to young and talented creators, allowing them to stand out and show us the future of cinema. The festival’s reputation transcends all borders and serves as a gathering place for the people of Subotica every summer. It also attracts numerous tourists who, during this period, enjoy the films, the natural beauty of Palić, and the sights of the city of Subotica, thereby highlighting and glorifying the beauty of this region." Miomir Đorđević, State Secretary in the Ministry of Culture, said the following at the opening of the festival: "I am extremely pleased to have the opportunity to greet you on behalf of the Minister of Culture, Nikola Selaković, and on my own behalf, in honor of the 31st edition of the European Film Festival Palić. Tonight, as well as in the days ahead, Palić, where the beauty of nature and culture intertwine, will be not only the regional but also the European capital of film. This film event in Palić is not only the holder of the prestigious EFFE award as one of the most exciting art festivals in Europe, but it also affirms the culture of our region and our country's commitment to the development of film art, raising Serbia’s reputation on the international stage. The Ministry of Culture has continuously supported the festival for years. This is evidenced by the fact that the Ministry allocated 52 million dinars to the European Film Festival Palić from 2021 to 2024 alone." The President of the Provincial Government, Maja Gojković, said that this event is a celebration of film art and has been one of the most important cultural events in Serbia and the region for decades. "The European Film Festival Palić is a place where contemporary European cinematography meets the tradition of auteur and art film. Year after year, it gains in quality and reputation, continually proving why it is officially one of the most exciting art festivals in Europe," said the President of the Provincial Government. "Thanks to the festival, its hardworking organizers, and the support of the state at all levels, the film tradition in the north of Serbia is not only alive, but has been constantly improving for more than three decades," said Gojković. Miroslav Mogorović, program director of the festival, presented the Regional Lifka Award to director Ademir Kenović and said: "It is a great honor and personal pleasure for me to have the opportunity to present the award to my friend and colleague. He is someone who has defined the cinematography not only of the former Yugoslavia, but continues to influence what we now call the region. In both his work as a director and a producer, the warmth and love for life are evident, and he can convey these qualities not only to the audience but also to everyone around him. That is why I am thrilled that we have the opportunity to share a part of our traditional hospitality with Mr. Ademir Kenović". Upon receiving the award, Ademir Kenović said: " I would like to thank all the people who made the films we've created possible. Next, I thank all my friends and colleagues who participated in the creation of our Yugoslav, and now regional, film treasure. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my friend Rale Zelenović, who, despite many challenges, managed to organize and realize such a fantastic event, with the support of all of you. Thank you". Miroslav Mogorović also presented the Aleksandar Lifka Award in the category of foreign creators to director of photography Phedon Papamichael. "As a festival, we have begun recognizing not only actors and directors, whom everyone associates with film, but also the essential work of other film professionals. That's why I'm very happy to present an award to a director of photography. I'm sure you've all seen at least one of Phedon's many films, and if you look into his work, you'll realize that you've seen more than one," said Mogorović. Phedon Papamichael addressed the audience with the following words: "It is a great honor for me to come to your country because I have special ties with Serbia. I was born in Greece, and fate brought me to America. Among my many European friends, most are Serbs. I was introduced to slivovitz and Bregović's music very early on, and I also shot a film in Montenegro for which Bregović composed the music. I was pleased to see excerpts from Million Dollar Hotel and Nebraska, which I shot over 20 and 10 years ago, being shown at the ceremony. I assure you that I will continue to do this, because I cannot imagine doing anything else". Phedon Papamichael invited the audience to watch his directorial film "Light Falls", which is on the program for the second day of the festival, and added that he considers the Balkans his home. Radoslav Zelenović, director of the European Film Festival Palić, presented the Aleksandar Lifka Award in the category of domestic creators to our celebrated actress Anica Dobra. "From the very beginning, awards have been an integral part of her acting career: from the Golden Arena to the Sterija Award, from Empress Teodora to the Zoran Radmilović Award and the Golden Camera, the most prestigious German award. From Pula, Montpellier, and Vichy, to Munich and Palić. The Aleksandar Lifka Award, which we are presenting to Anica Dobra tonight, places her among those who have made a significant impact on our cinematography. She joins the ranks of Milena Dravić, Bata Živojinović, Mira Banjac, Ljubiša Samardžić, Eva Ras, Aleksandar Berček, Mira Karanović, Miki Manojlović, Slavko Štimac, Milena Zupančić, Rade Šerbedžija. Anica Dobra – good in life, and excellent in film," Zelenović pointed out. Upon receiving the award, Anica Dobra said: "As I reflected on how I even came to be standing here tonight, sharing these for me important moments with you, it occurred to me that it is not just because of the films that both you and I love. I think it's also because of what happens before, what lies ahead, and everything that lies behind a film. And those are the invisible, delicate threads that we actors convey to you through our thoughts. And fortunately, you recognize them." After the ceremony, the Official Selection program was opened with the screening of the film “Kinds of Kindness” by Yorgos Lanthimos. The film is a triptych that follows a man without many options trying to take control of his life; a police officer upset that his wife has returned as a completely different person after her disappearance; and a woman determined to find someone special with unusual skills. It stars Emma Stone, Willem Dafoe, Jesse Plemons, Margaret Qualley and Hong Chau. The European Film Festival Palić has been supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, the Provincial Secretariat for Culture, Public Information and Relations with Religious Communities, the City of Subotica, the European Union through the Creative Europe MEDIA program, as well as numerous friends and media partners.

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European Film Festival Palić