Audience award Audience award
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  • 01:45
Spain, Portugal, Belgium 2023
Selection : Country in Focus
Director: Jaione Camborda
Writer: Jaione Camborda
Cast: Janet Novás, Siobhan Fernandes, Carla Rivas, Nuria Lestegás, Daniela Hernán Marchán, María Lado, Diego Anido, Julia Gómez
Cinematography: Rui Poças
Editing: Cristóbal Fernández
Costume designer: Uxía P. Vaello
Soundtrack: Camilo Sanabria
Production: Esnatu Zinema, Miramemira, Elastica Films, Bando à Parte, Bulletproof Cupid
Producer: Andrea Vázquez, Jaione Camborda, María Zamora
Filmography: 2019 Arima (Seville – New Waves Award, Vilnius – New Europe New Names Competition); 2017 Rapa das bestas (short) (Bafici, Edinburgh)
Festivals: 2024 Goya Awards – Best new actress; 2023 San Sebastian (world premiere) Golden Shell Award – Best film; 2023 Toronto Platform (international premiere); 2023 Busan Flash Forward
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