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  • 01:22
Serbia 2024
Selection : Eco Dox
Director: Vladimir Perović
Writer: Vladimir Perović
Editing: Nikola Egerić
Sound: Dora Filipović
Production: Montage, Beograd
Producer: Predrag Bambić, Vladimir Perović
Filmography: 1989 Une maison (A House); Happy New Year; 1992 The Saga on Samourai & the Mud; 1996 Pilgrimage; 1997 Удешавање гласа/ Tuning Voices, Rigging Votes; 2000 Ура/ The Clock; Син/ Son; 2001 Љубав, завет/ Love, Vow; 2002 Мали квар на мојој сјајној звезди/ A Slight Malfunction on My Shiny Star; 2003 Нестајање/ Vanishing; 2006 Дим/ The Smoke; 2007 Жеђ каменог мора/ The Thirst of a Stone Sea; 2011 Живот, прикљученија и одрживи развој једног кокота/ Trials, Tribulations & Sustainable Growth of a Cock; Звездана прашина/ Star Dust; 2013 Живот је/ Life is; 2015 Еоха; 2016 2 & 2; Завеслаји/ Strokes; 2020 Огњило/ Sparks; Мир наше Госпе/ Our Lady’s Peace; 2023 Проценти живота/ Percents of Life; Планета Шљивова/ The Planet of Slivovo
People from the village of Slivovo seem to live on another planet. In a true fairy tale. In a paradise that they themselves create. Purity, honesty, diligence, unanimity, piety, traditions, beliefs, tireless work. Yet, it seems they can't remain untroubled either...Rio Tinto... Back to...

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