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  • 1:36
Italy 2020
Selection : New European Documentary Film
Director: Francesca Mazzoleni
Writer: Francesca Mazzoleni
Genre: documentary
Cinematography: Emanuele Pasquet
Editing: Elisabetta Abrami
Soundtrack: Lorenzo Tomio
Production: Morel Film
Producer: Alessandro Greco
Filmography: 2018, Succede; 2015, 1989; 2015, L'etoile de mer; 2015, Lo so che mi senti; 2015, Nowhere; 2014, Il premio; 2014, The Empty Boat; 2011, Dobbiamo rubare la ricotta
Festivals: 2020, Krakow Film Festival
Awards: 2020, Nyon Visions du Réel - Sesterce d'or La Mobilière Best Feature Film
The last patch of land – the last triangle of habitable space at the mouth of the Tiber. Its inhabitants call it Punta Sacra, Sacred Point. This is a story where realism and projections into the imaginary intertwine, suspended between nostalgia and inescapable pragmatism. Above all, there is the people’s wish not to leave. Back to...

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