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Sun 21 Jul 19:00
Eurocinema, Subotica WITHOUT AIR
  • 01:44
Hungary, Romania 2023
Selection : New Hungarian Film
Director: Katalin Moldovai
Writer: Zita Palóczi, Katalin Moldovai
Cast: Ágnes Krasznahorkai, Tünde Skovrán, Áron Dimény, Soma Sándor, Zsolt Bölönyi, Ágnes Lőrincz, Anna Szász
Cinematography: András Táborosi
Editing: Orsolya Soltész
Costume designer: Gyopár Bocskay
Sound: Gábor Kerekes
Production: Magma Cinema (Hungary), Spotfilm (Romania)
Producer: Béla Attila Kovács, András Muhi, Katalin Moldovai
Filmography: 2023 Without Air (feature); 2019 As up to now/ Ahogy eddig (short); 2019 At the Edge/ Peremvidéken (documentary); 2015 Asszonyok feketében (short); 2014 The Betrothed/ Jegyesek (short); 2013 Shell/ Burok (short); 2013 After Season/ Szezon után (short); 2012 Chances of Fellowshipping/ A barátkozás lehetőségei (short)
A high school teacher starts an absurd struggle to justify herself as she is accused by a parent of promoting homosexuality among students after recommending Agnieszka Holland’s “Total Eclipse” to her 17-year-old students, so they can better understand Rimbaud’s work. She has to decide whether to stand up for the values she represents or to withdraw quietly. Back to...

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