Video snimci

31st EFF Palic - Interview with Nemanja Kosanović (Exhibition of Caricatures)

31st EFF Palic - Interview with Nenad Dukić (book, Film Festivals)

31st EFF Palic - Interview with Danny Ronaldo (actor, The Magnet Man)

31st EFF Palic - Interview with David Boaretto (director, April in France)

31st EFF Palic - Interview with Frank Albers (ON SCREEN - Mit Fußball und Film Europa entdecken)

31st EFF Palic - Interview with Mika Taanila (Underground Spirit Award laureate)

31st EFF Palic - Interview with Alberto Garcia (director, The Rim)

31st EFF Palic - Interview with Igor Toholj (Programmer New European Documentaries and Eco Dox)

31st EFF Palic - Interview with Ademir Kenovic (Aleksandar Lifka Award laureate)

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Festival Evropskog Filma Palić