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Mon 22 Jul 19:00
Eurocinema, Subotica PELIKAN BLUE
  • 01:20
Hungary 2023
Selection : New Hungarian Film
Director: László Csáki
Writer: László Csáki
Cast: Norman Lévai, Olivér Börcsök, Ágoston Kenéz, Kornél Tegyi, Vivien Rujder
Editing: Dániel Szabó
Costume designer: Árpád Horváth
Soundtrack: Ambrus Tövisházi, Miklós Peiszner
Sound: Tamás Zányi
Production: Umbrella
Producer: Miklós Kázmér, Ádám Felszeghy
Filmography: 2023 Pelikan Blue/ Kék Pelikan – feature long animated documentary; 2021 Bagatelle/ Bagatell, experimental short; 2017 Néhány szó/ Just a Few Words, short animation; 2012 My Name is Boffer Bings, short animation (chalk-drawing); 2010 Bádogváros/ Tincity, short documentary; 2007 A hangya és a tücsök/ The Ant and the Cikada, short animation; 2004 Darazsak, ludak, körtefa/ Wasps, Geese, Pear-tree, short animation (chalk-drawing); 2003 Napok, melyeknek értelmet adott a félelem/ Days that were filled with sense by fear, short animation (chalk-drawing)
In 1990s Hungary, travel is finally possible but unaffordable. By forging international train tickets, three young men provide the opportunity for a whole generation to experience the outside world. Back to...

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